The Bikini Carwash Company is a 1992 comedy film directed by Ed Hansen. It featured Joe Dusic, Kristi Ducati, and Ricki Brando. The sequel, The Bikini Carwash Company II, was released in 1993.
The Bikini Carwash Company

R1h 15m4.5

Watch The Bikini Carwash Company

A group of entrepreneurs decide to shake things up at their struggling carwash company by introducing a unique twist: a topless carwash, where women work without tops to attract more customers and boost business.

The Bikini Carwash Company II

R1h 38m3.4

Watch The Bikini Carwash Company II

The Bikini Carwash Company's girls return, having achieved success with their business. However, the CEO of the international megabusiness they've partnered with has ulterior motives, seeking to acquire only the land and not the company itself.

The Bikini Carwash Company background