The Adventures of Dot Collection
A heartwarming tale of survival and friendship unfolds as a young girl, separated from her family, forms an unlikely bond with a kangaroo in the vast and unforgiving Australian outback.
A young girl embarks on a magical adventure to find a kangaroo, with an unexpected assist from Santa Claus.
In this heartwarming adventure, a young girl named Dot embarks on a quest to find a lost joey, promising its distraught mother that she will bring it back. Unbeknownst to Dot, a rabbit overhears her promise and decides to impersonate a kangaroo, hoping to find a mother of his own. As they traverse the Australian outback together, Dot and her new, rabbit friend learn valuable lessons about friendship, loyalty, and the importance of being true to oneself.
Blinky Bill: The Mischievous Koala
In the heart of the Australian outback, a spirited young heroine embarks on a thrilling journey of discovery and bravery.
In a heartwarming adventure, a young girl named Dot and her dolphin friend Nelson embark on a perilous journey to the icy shores of Antarctica to find Moby Dick, a legendary whale, who they hope can persuade a dying whale named Tonga to stay alive.
A group of friends, led by a brave and determined individual, embark on a mission to stop a ruthless circus owner from exploiting and trafficking endangered animals.
In this animated film, a young Australian girl named Dot pursues her dream of becoming a film star in 1930s Hollywood to fund a life-saving operation for her ailing koala companion.
In this sci-fi adventure, a canine cosmonaut named Whyka embarks on a journey to space, accompanied by a mischievous primate named Buster. After Whyka becomes stranded, Dot bravely comes to the rescue, only to find themselves on a planet dominated by the tyrannical Papa Drop, who seeks to conquer those who don't conform to his rigid standards of perfection.