Danur is a horror film franchise produced by MD Pictures. The franchise started with the film “Danur: I Can See Ghosts” in 2017. This film is based on the book by Risa Saraswati, “Gerbang Dialog Danur” which was written based on her own experiences as an indigo girl.

TV-141h 14m5.3

Watch Danur

A young girl forms an unlikely bond with three mischievous spirits who inhabit her new home, leading to a series of thrilling and heartwarming adventures.

Danur 2: Maddah

NR1h 29m5.2

Watch Danur 2: Maddah

Risa's encounters with ghosts escalate, causing chaos in her life. Her uncle's strange behavior at his new home prompts her to unravel a chilling mystery.

Danur 3: Sunyaruri

NR1h 29m5.2

Watch Danur 3: Sunyaruri

A teenage girl, who has been befriending ghosts since childhood, starts to crave a normal life like her peers. As she enters a romantic relationship, she struggles to keep her extraordinary ability to see and interact with spirits a secret.


R1h 43m5.7

Watch Ivanna

In this spine-tingling thriller, a young woman with limited vision named Ambar and her family are haunted during their Lebaran celebration in Bandung.

Danur background