A professional dancer named Sengoku rescues an introverted third-year middle school student, Tatara, who is harassed by delinquents. When Tatara arrives at Sengoku's dance studio, he meets Shizuku Hanaoka, a schoolmate he secretly idolizes. This defining moment in Tatara’s life brings him into the world of dance, where Sengoku coaches and mentors him. Through dance, Tatara forms new friendships with fellow students—schoolmates Kiyoharu and other dance prodigies—and develops a passion for improving as a dancer while also striving to be accepted by his peers and rivals. As these relationships grow stronger, the dancers around them begin to address their own challenges and issues through mutual support and encouragement.
1. Ogasawara Dance Studio E Youkoso
Aired: Jul 8, 2017Tatara, a third-year middle school student, has no clear aspirations for his ...