1. Four Wheels & FliesAired: Nov 10, 2020Trash Truck gets upset after learning he wasn't built to fly, so Hank, Walter...
2. Slumber PartyAired: Nov 10, 2020Hank invites Trash Truck, Walter and Donny to their first-ever sleepover. But...
3. Movie TheaterAired: Nov 10, 2020Everyone is excited to see their favorite superhero's new film, but technical...
4. Olive SurfsAired: Nov 10, 2020Hank's little sister Olive wants to learn how to surf, so Ms. Mona shares her...
5. Hide and SeekAired: Nov 10, 2020Trash Truck heads to his first doctor's visit with Hank after they both brush...
6. New ShoesAired: Nov 10, 2020Hank's dad gets Hank and Trash Truck new shoes, but they smell funny and feel...
7. Hibernation DayAired: Nov 10, 2020Walter doesn't want to miss out on all the fun his friends will have while he...
8. HighbeamAired: Nov 10, 2020Trash Truck, Walter and Donny get carried away while playing with Hank's High...
9. Sick DayAired: Nov 10, 2020Donny and Walter fill in when Trash Truck feels under the weather and can't f...
10. TrashimalAired: Nov 10, 2020Hank wishes he could live more like Trash Truck and his animal friends but re...
11. Training WheelsAired: Nov 10, 2020With Trash Truck by his side, Hank learns how to handle his brand-new bike ac...
12. Garbage BandAired: Nov 10, 2020Hank and friends can't seem to learn how to whistle, so Ms. Mona shows them o...