Tierra Incógnita background

Tierra Incógnita

Eight years ago, young Eric Dalaras vanished along with his parents. As a result, he embarked on a quest to uncover the truth about their disappearance. Guided by his maternal grandparents since childhood, Eric now seeks answers in an unsettling and terrifying realm. His sister, Uma, also grew up...

After mysteriously losing his parents eight years ago, young Eric Dalaras embarks on a quest for truth and finds himself in a terrifying world. His sister Uma grew up with their maternal grandparents. Determined to return home to Cabo Qwert, the place of his childhood memories, Eric decides to visit the Tierra Incógnita horror amusement park, where he believes his parents were last seen. With his friends, his sister, and his aunt by his side, they must confront fears to solve riddles leading them closer to answers hidden in a dark cosmos as mysterious as it is unknown.


Episode 1 El Laberinto

1. El Laberinto

Aired: Sep 8, 2022

Eric Dalaras returns to his hometown, fueled by a cryptic message, and secret...

Episode 2 La Calesita

2. La Calesita

Aired: Sep 8, 2022

Eric grapples with the blurred lines between reality and illusion, while Uma ...

Episode 3 La Mansión Dalaras

3. La Mansión Dalaras

Aired: Sep 8, 2022

As they settle into Carmen's home, Eric and Uma start to uncover the truth be...

Episode 4 El Barco siniestro

4. El Barco siniestro

Aired: Sep 8, 2022

In the next thrilling episode, Eric and Pablo embark on a thrilling adventure...

Episode 5 El código secreto

5. El código secreto

Aired: Sep 8, 2022

As Eric's attempts to connect with his neighbors fall flat, he uncovers a dis...

Episode 6 El Gusano

6. El Gusano

Aired: Sep 8, 2022

A mysterious message from his father brings clarity to the situation, but jus...

Episode 7 El cuarto oculto

7. El cuarto oculto

Aired: Sep 8, 2022

In the next episode, Uma takes Eric to a hidden location, where they stumble ...

Episode 8 El espanto

8. El espanto

Aired: Sep 8, 2022

Eric and his friends uncover crucial clues about the mysterious creature haun...

Info about Tierra Incógnita

Seasons: 2

Current Status: Returning Series

Network: Disney+

Production Country: Argentina

Genres:Horror, Mystery