In the inaugural episode of their picture show, Keith and Paddy revive the cl...
The Keith and Paddy Picture Show
Keith Lemon and Paddy McGuinness recreate Hollywood films in mini-movies with celebrity guests.
Keith Lemon and Paddy McGuinness recreate Hollywood films in mini-movies with celebrity guests.
In the inaugural episode of their picture show, Keith and Paddy revive the cl...
Keith and Paddy recreate the 1984 classic Ghostbusters, enlisting the help of...
3. Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
Aired: May 20, 2017Ant and Dec join Keith and Paddy in their hilarious reenactment of Star Wars:...
In the next episode, Keith Lemon and Paddy McGuinness embark on a thrilling a...
Keith Lemon and Paddy McGuinness recreate iconic scenes from the Rocky franch...
Main Cast
Seasons: 2
Current Status: Ended
Network: ITV1
Production Country: United Kingdom