1. The Code Aired: Sep 15, 1984 A notorious agent, Greg Dumont, is secretly employed by the cunning Alex Vanc...
2. The Canine Vanishes Aired: Sep 22, 1984 In the next episode, the team embarks on a mission to the Florida Everglades ...
3. The Chicken Who Knew Too Much Aired: Sep 29, 1984 The team receives a special gift from an archaeologist - a chicken - but thin...
5. The Race Aired: Oct 13, 1984 The high-stakes race unfolds, with the team hot on the trail of a suspicious ...
6. The Thirty-Nine Stripes Aired: Oct 20, 1984 A high-stakes mission unfolds as the team is tasked with safeguarding pricele...
7. The Thirty-One Cent Mystery Aired: Oct 27, 1984 Kuma stumbles upon a sinister plan to pilfer an ancient Indian totem conceale...
8. Dial M for Magic Aired: Nov 3, 1984 Trapped in a mystifying town, the team must navigate a labyrinth of deceiving...
9. The Bear Affair Aired: Nov 10, 1984 In the next episode, a talking teddy bear becomes the catalyst for a mystery ...
10. To Clutch a Thief Aired: Nov 17, 1984 The small town celebrates a festive queen's pageant, and Tess is crowned the ...
11. The Secret Aired: Nov 24, 1984 Stranded in a hostile town, the team faces hostility from the sheriff, sparki...
12. Shadow of a Trout Aired: Dec 1, 1984 The next episode is a thrilling mystery as the kids discover they are under i...
13. The Trouble with Kuma Aired: Dec 8, 1984 The next episode takes place on an island on the brink of being devastated by...