The protagonist, Kouda Mikako, is a student at "Yaza Gaku" specializing in fashion design. She aspires to become a successful fashion designer with her own brand. Living next door to her is Tsutomu Yamaguchi, their childhood friend who has gained popularity recently due to his resemblance to a popular singer from a band. Despite being close since they were young, they maintain a platonic relationship. However, Mikako starts seeing Tsutomu in a different light and embarks on a journey of self-discovery, exploring the complexities of dreams, love, and friendship among youths.
Gokinjo monogatari
Kouda Mikako, a student at Yaza Gaku, specializes in fashion design and aspires to establish her own brand as a renowned fashion designer. Her childhood friend, Yamaguchi Tsutomu, lives next door to her. Despite their seemingly different paths, their friendship remains strong.