From its tragic sinking on January 13, 2012, to the ongoing rescue operations today, this two-part special delves into a chronicle of numerous errors that transformed this dream ship into a nightmare. The film utilizes groundbreaking filming techniques and unparalleled access to survivors, rescue units, and high-ranking Italian coast guard and fire brigade authorities. In the first episode, island residents recount a moment-by-moment narrative from their unique perspective. The second episode offers an in-depth analysis of advanced search-and-rescue missions and focuses on the technology and engineering behind the largest salvage operation in history. Additionally, the mini-series addresses the broader implications for the cruise industry and encourages families involved to have the questions they've been fighting for answered during their long quest for justice.
Costa Concordia: The Whole Story
Costa Concordia Disaster: A Catastrophic Cruise Ship Incident That Remains the Worst Maritime Accident Since the Titanic