In a 1993 Hollywood setting, a struggling heroin addict and ventriloquist mother dies, leaving her two children, Norbert and Angelina, to be sent to a foster home with their beloved dummy. As they navigate their new surroundings, the siblings face numerous challenges, including Angelina's abuse at the hands of their uncle and the dummy's unexpected act of justice. Years later, Norbert and Angelina are living on the streets, struggling with addiction and abuse. After a tragic event, Norbert is accused and imprisoned in an asylum with his dummy. Angelina eventually breaks into the institution, kills the male nurse, and frees her brother. The siblings then encounter a teenager named Robin, whom Angelina decides will be the mother of her nephew, and they abduct her.
A ventriloquist's tragic overdose in 1993 Hollywood leaves her two children to face a living hell in a foster home with their beloved dummy, ultimately sparking a cycle of abuse, murder, and vengeful retribution.