In this chilling horror film, a young couple's dream of a new life in New York turns into a nightmare when they move into a dilapidated apartment in a seedy neighborhood. While the old refrigerator is the only redeeming feature, it harbors a dark secret: it's a malevolent entity that feeds on human fear and terror, brutally slaughtering its victims and condemning their souls to eternal damnation. As the husband becomes increasingly under its mind control, the wife must fight to save her loved one and escape the clutches of the monstrous refrigerator before it's too late.
The Refrigerator
In a gritty New York neighborhood, a couple settles into a rundown apartment, where a peculiar refrigerator is the only redeeming feature. But as they get accustomed to their new home, they begin to uncover the dark truth: the refrigerator is a malevolent force that's responsible for a trail...