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The Promiscuous Sex

In this film, a New York City prostitute and model, Liz, attempts to escape her troubled profession by embarking on a romantic affair with a kind-hearted man named Michael. However, her employer, Sam, and his powerful mafia connections thwart her efforts, forcing Liz to confront the harsh realiti...

In the city that never sleeps, a young model/prostitute named Liz finds herself entangled in a world of danger and deception. After a chance encounter with a charming stranger, Michael, she becomes determined to escape her troubled past and start anew with him. But when her efforts to help her boss, Sam, go awry, she finds herself in the crosshairs of a ruthless gangster with a deadly obsession. With her future hanging in the balance, Liz must use all her wits to outsmart her foes and take a chance on a love that may not be meant to be.

Info about The Promiscuous Sex

Originally Released: United States, Jun 22, 1967

Budget: $9,500.00
