In the mythical land of Condon, Queen Victoria rules with terror, persecuting intellectuals and "pervs" who are forced underground to form the Cult of Perv. The cult's leader, Nanny, gives birth to a potential saviour before dying, leaving behind an infant named Pervirella who grows at supernatural speed. Pervirella develops incredible abilities, including uncontrollable nymphomania without her magical necklace. Various groups, including rebels, Queen Victoria's agents, the Cult of Perv, and witches, search for her. Pervirella joins forces with Amicus Reilly, a James Bond parody, and their wild adventures begin.
In a dystopian Britain, Queen Victoria's tyrannical regime erects a wall around the country, imposing a reign of terror. Intellectuals and individuals deemed "perverse" are ruthlessly persecuted, forced to go underground to form a secret society known as the "Cult of Perversio...