Based on a true story, "Never Winter" is the heart wrenching drama of an only child, Chloe Hammond, who seeks a better life away from her drug addict mother. The 11-year old decides to take matters into her own hands and stand up to her abusive mother. When her plan backfires she finds herself in a situation that gets progressively worse. Chloe's only hope is a school counselor, Amira Yaseen, who fights to give her a chance at a normal life. Ms. Yaseen tries her best to keep Chloe's hope alive as she faces some complications that prevent her from keeping a promise she made to Chloe.
Never Winter
A young girl named Chloe escapes her troubled home life with a drug-addicted mother, only to find herself entangled in a desperate and worsening situation at just 11 years old.