In ancient 2016 BC, a farmer named Sarman from Amri sets out to trade in the city of Mohenjo Daro, despite his uncle Durjan's warnings of the city's harsh and selfish nature. Upon arrival, Sarman discovers a connection to the city and becomes embroiled in a struggle between good and evil, led by the ruthless ruler Maham and his son Moonja. Sarman's love for Chaani, who is destined to marry Moonja, sets off a chain of events that culminates in a thrilling fight against Bakar-Zokhar. Will Sarman emerge victorious and claim Chaani as his own, or will Mohenjo Daro's dark forces prevail?
Mohenjo Daro
A humble farmer sparks a revolution in ancient Mohenjo Daro, circa 2016 BC.