Lockdown background


In a gripping action-thriller, a group of ruthless criminals, led by the unstable McMasters, seize control of a Los Angeles police station, demanding a hefty ransom to spare the lives of the hostages.

Chaos reigns in Los Angeles when three criminals, led by a psychotic mastermind named McMasters, takes over a police station and threaten to kill everyone in it unless a large ransom is paid. FBI special agent Roger Kinkaid (Michael Pare') uses his extensive knowledge in a bid to outwit the criminals and save the hostages, but one question remains: even if they get their money, how can they possibly escape?

Info about Lockdown

Studio(s): Grindstone Entertainment Group, High Point Pictures

Originally Released: United States, May 10, 2022

Production Country: United States

Budget: $1,000,000.00

Genres:Action, Crime, Thriller