Nathaniel Wingate, a brilliant scientist, creates a portal to another dimension in his basement lab. His family is initially distracted by a visit from his eccentric cousin, Count Desmon, who has become a count in Liechtenstein. However, when Nathaniel gets sucked into the other dimension, a creature from the parallel universe escapes and wreaks havoc on the family. The creature, known as a Chameleon, begins to mimic the thoughts and appearance of the family members, including Desmon, who becomes trapped in the other dimension. As the family tries to figure out what is happening, they must also navigate the increasingly bizarre and deadly pranks played by the Chameleon, all while trying to prevent a catastrophic event that Nathaniel believes will occur when the coolant runs out in four hours.
As Nathaniel Wingate, a brilliant but eccentric scientist, readies to celebrate his birthday, he's more concerned with his groundbreaking discovery: a portal to another dimension. His wife, Nancy, urges him to focus on the party, but Nathaniel enlists the help of his son Sam, who's eage...