In the picturesque town of Ooty, Kamali searches for a job alongside her sister and brother-in-law. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when her purse is stolen in Madras, leaving her without her university certificates. Surya, who works in Jaipur, comes to her rescue by returning the purse, and they begin a romantic connection through letters and phone calls. Despite never having met, they decide to love each other, and Surya eventually relocates to Madras for work. But their love is threatened by Kamali's brother-in-law, who is pushing her to marry a suitable man, and Surya's boss, who is trying to seduce him. Will the star-crossed lovers find a way to be together?
Kadhal Kottai
A young woman's life takes an unexpected turn when she loses her bag at the railway station, only to have it returned to her with a mysterious letter from a stranger who found it. As they exchange letters, their initial connection blossoms into a romantic connection.