The movie is an entry in the "books come alive" subgenre, featuring numerous books coming to life. The story begins with musical numbers, including pages from "Green Pastures" singing together, "The Thin Man" gaining weight after entering "The White House Cookbook", and "The House of Seven Gables" singing backup to "Old King Cole". The Three Musketeers break free, become "Three Men on a Horse", and release "The Prisoner of Zenda", before being chased by horsemen from "The Charge of the Light Brigade" and "Under Two Flags" and attacked by cannons from "All Quiet on the Western Front". The commotion disturbs the sleep of Rip Van Winkle, who opens "Hurricane" and unleashes a chaotic scene, ultimately causing everyone to disappear in a whirlwind, echoing the phrase "Gone with the Wind".
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A film that brings books to life, featuring an abundance of literary characters. The story commences with vibrant musical numbers, including a memorable scene where pages from "Green Pastures" harmonize, and The Thin Man makes a memorable entrance.