Fairies background


"Fairy", a musical fantasy film, has been showcased at more than 75 prestigious international film festivals, including the renowned 2004 Tribeca Film Festival. The story follows Timothy, a high school student who faces bullying from his homophobic classmates at an all boys school. As h...

"Fairy" screened in more than 75 international film festivals, including the prestigious 2004 Tribeca Film Festival. This musical fantasy follows Timothy, a high school student bullied by homophobic classmates. As he immerses himself in studying "A Midsummer Night's Dream," he envisions a world where he can be accepted for who he is. With the guidance of his unconventional teacher and a dazzling musical journey filled with glitter, Timothy discovers a way to find his place and embrace his uniqueness.

Info about Fairies

Studio(s): Speak Productions

Originally Released: United States, Oct 18, 2003

Production Country: United States

Genres:Drama, Musical, Short