In this surreal and action-packed film, a mysterious stranger sets off a chain of events as they recite a poem by Edgar Allan Poe, affecting those headed to the mythical city of Eldorado. The Jews Brothers, a blues band, are mistakenly booked to perform at a Neo-Nazi conference instead of a Bar Mitzvah, leading to a series of misadventures. Meanwhile, a woman on the run from her abusive husband finds herself on the same road to Eldorado, where she encounters a cast of eccentric characters, including a sadistic dentist, a group of Hell's Angels, and a deranged butcher. As the characters converge on Eldorado, they must navigate a town filled with predators who prey on tourists. The stranger's intentions remain unclear as the story builds towards a shocking and unforgettable climax.
As the Stranger, a tall and striking figure clad in white, begins to recite Edgar Allan Poe's "Eldorado", a chain of events is set in motion, impacting those drawn to the mythical city.