In 1969 Denmark, a 13-year-old boy named Frits is brutally punished by his school principal, Svendsen, after being caught in the girls' locker room. The incident has severe consequences, and the doctor warns that the principal has crossed a line. As news of the incident spreads, Frits' parents, colleagues, and classmates are deeply affected. Despite the police labeling it a "school matter," Frits' parents struggle to file a child abuse charge against the powerful and respected principal, who has a reputation in the small community. With the help of a young hippie teacher, Freddie, and Frits' classmates, the parents' determination grows to take down the violent principal.
In 1969 Denmark, a young boy finds inspiration in Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and decides to take a stand against the oppressive school authorities, sparking a drama of courage and conviction.