In 1873, a mysterious stranger with a shackle on his wrist stumbles into the town of Absolution, New Mexico, where a ruthless Colonel Dolarhyde rules with an iron fist. The town lives in fear, but their lives are turned upside down when marauding monsters from the sky begin abducting residents. The stranger, who has no memory of his past, slowly recalls his identity and discovers he holds the key to defeating the alien force. Joining forces with a traveler named Ella and a diverse group of former opponents, the stranger must lead the charge against the monsters in an epic showdown for survival.
Cowboys & Aliens
In the dusty terrain of 1873 Arizona, a spaceship descends upon the Wild West, bringing with it an extraterrestrial force intent on claiming the planet as its own. The last line of defense lies with a ragtag group of cowboys and Native American warriors, who must band together to repel the alien ...