In this swashbuckling tale, a pirate named Blackie learns of a shipment of Spanish gold from a mysterious figure known as "Don" Pedro. He concocts a plan to find the treasure, but his rival is the viceroy of the Spanish colony. The story takes a dramatic turn when Blackie and the viceroy visit a pirate settlement, where they encounter three other pirate captains, one of whom has recently captured a valuable prize. The wife of the viceroy is among the captives, and Blackie purchases her, unaware that another pirate, Skull, is aware of her true identity and plans to betray him.
Blackie the Pirate
Captain Blackie hatches a scheme to steal a shipment of Spanish gold after encountering Don Pedro and learning about the valuable cargo. However, three other pirate captains are determined to outwit him and claim the treasure for themselves.