Actual Reality background

Actual Reality

In a thrilling virtual reality world, a charming hacker connects with a mysterious individual online, unaware that their online persona is actually a skilled cop. As the truth unfolds, the tables turn, and the two engage in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse, with their identities and reputation...

In a not-too-distant future, people can enter a full submersion virtual reality, where they can choose their own avatar. However, the system is controlled by the wealthy, powerful, and corrupt elite. Saule, a rebellious party-goer, and her friends crash virtual parties to protest the system. Meanwhile, Rose, a straight-laced detective, is tasked with capturing Saule, but they meet and fall in love online while keeping their true identities hidden. The situation escalates when Rose discovers her organization's sinister plan to kill Saule.

Info about Actual Reality

Studio(s): Vertica Productions

Originally Released: United States, Sep 03, 2015

Production Country: United States

Budget: $230,000.00
