In this gritty drama, a retired school teacher named Mrs. Hoyle finds herself at the center of a gangster's operation when she's allowed to stay in a hotel bought by the ruthless Morganti, who evicts most of the other tenants. Despite the seedy surroundings, Mrs. Hoyle's influence for good begins to have a profound impact on Morganti and his henchmen, except for one stubborn exception: Rogan. As Rogan continues to defy his boss's orders, he and his accomplice Slatterty get caught up in a botched robbery that lands Mrs. Hoyle in hot water when the stolen loot is found in her apartment.
According to Mrs. Hoyle
In a hotel purchased by a ruthless gangster, Morganti, a retired school teacher, Mrs. Hoyle, and a dance-hall girl, Angela Brown, are the only remaining tenants. Mrs. Hoyle's presence has a profound impact on the lives of those around her.