The Addams Family started as a Cartoon in 1938. A TV Sitcom ran between 1964 and 1966, and a TV movie with the same cast in 1977. A 1991 American fantasy comedy film directed by Barry Sonnenfeld was followed by a sequel in 1993, with a TV cartoon in the intervening years. A 1998 film was a soft reboot with a different cast, which led to a short-lived live-action TV Sitcom shortly after. A CGI Cartoon Feature Film rebooted the franchise in 2019.
The Addams Family

PG-131h 40m6.9

Watch The Addams Family

Con artists plan to fleece an eccentric family using an accomplice who claims to be their long-lost uncle.

Addams Family Values

PG-131h 34m6.8

Watch Addams Family Values

The Addams Family try to rescue their beloved Uncle Fester from his gold-digging new love, a black widow named Debbie.

The Addams Family background