This story is the tale of two brothers: one a successful counterfeiter and the younger a fledgling graduate of the HK police academy. The plot revolves around the split when the younger brother learns the other is a criminal and the efforts of the criminal brother to reform. Along the way are plenty of heists, double-crosses, and shoot outs. Written by Victor R. Volkman
A Better Tomorrow

R1h 35m7.4

Watch A Better Tomorrow

A former gangster struggles to leave his criminal past behind and rebuild relationships with his brother, a police officer, as the echoes of his former life continue to haunt him.

A Better Tomorrow II

NR1h 43m7.2

Watch A Better Tomorrow II

A culinary entrepreneur joins forces with a law enforcement officer and his reformed convict sibling to avenge the tragic loss of a close friend's child.

A Better Tomorrow III: Love and Death in Saigon

R1h 59m5.9

Watch A Better Tomorrow III: Love and Death in Saigon

In the midst of a tumultuous era, a man embarks on a perilous journey from China to Vietnam, driven by a desire to rescue his uncle and cousin. However, his mission is soon complicated by a romantic entanglement with a formidable female gangster, whose troubled past and vengeful ex-husband threaten to upend the entire operation.

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