In a futuristic society reminiscent of the 1980s, robots have become ubiquitous. Mechanical butlers, electronic plumbers, and robo-bartenders are now commonplace, shaping everyday life. However, in contrast to these conventional robots, Robot Jones stands out as an experimental prototype designed for personal interaction with humans. While he is programmed with basic emotions, he struggles more than others to handle them effectively, leading him to exhibit exaggerated behavior and social awkwardness. Robot Jones finds himself surrounded by his retro-looked-alike robotic family—Socks, who is a crush on him; Shannon, his friend; Lenny and Denny (Yogman Twins),his adversaries—and navigates the challenges of sixth grade. Despite these obstacles, he excels academically in gym class, runs for student council president, and faces dread at open house night. Robot Jones's journey through this world showcases how even with advanced technology, personal relationships and emotional intelligence remain crucial aspects of human life.
Robot Jones fears taking a shower in gym class because he thinks he will rust...