The Chicano Squad background

The Chicano Squad

Houston's first-ever all-Latino homicide squad was launched in 1979 to combat rising Latin murder rates. With unwavering commitment and effort from bilingual patrol officers, the detectives managed to overcome local mistrust, forging an elite and prestigious unit that consistently earns acco...

"The Chicano Squad" was formed in 1979 as a bilingual patrol team that became detectives. Their focus on Latin homicide cases transformed them into Houston's first all-Latin unit, earning them the nickname "The Chicano Squad." Over three decades, their impact is vividly depicted through firsthand narratives from squad members and community members.


Episode 1 The Chicano Squad (1)

1. The Chicano Squad (1)

Aired: Sep 2, 2024

In the midst of a tumultuous 1979, a group of six dedicated officers was task...

Episode 2 Part 2

2. Part 2

Aired: Sep 3, 2024

The Chicano Squad has just completed a 90-day trial period and is now a perma...

The Chicano Squad Videos





Info about The Chicano Squad

Current Status: Ended

Network: A&E

Production Country: United States
