Basil Brush, a beloved fox character, is back in a contemporary children's si...
The Basil Brush Show
Beloved fox Basil Brush stars in a contemporary kids' sitcom.
Beloved fox Basil Brush stars in a contemporary kids' sitcom.
Basil Brush, a beloved fox character, is back in a contemporary children's si...
The next episode of Fawlty Towers finds Basil and his friends at the mercy of...
Basil's discovery of his royal heritage transforms the flat into a regal esta...
Molly and Dave face challenges as they receive their report cards, with Dave'...
The gang works to revive their entertainment careers after a recent setback.
Steven's encounter with a gypsy has unexpected consequences when his wish to ...
In the next episode, Basil and Stephen embark on a mission to secure employme...
The gang stumbles upon a mysterious magic kettle during their spring cleaning...
A new farmer tenant moves into the upstairs apartment, bringing his lovely da...
Next episode, Basil and the gang are glued to their screens watching a show f...
Molly and Dave's financial stability is turned upside down when they discover...
The summer heat wave has everyone, particularly Molly, feeling irritable. Bas...
Basil's cousin Mortimer arrives, feigning homelessness and a terminal illness...