Popples background


Popples is a high-energy animated comedy series about a unique species of creatures that can transform into and out of a ball. The show is led by the optimistic and comedic Best Popple Pals, a group of friends including Bubbles.

An animated children's comedy series, Popples, follows the adventures of an extraordinary species that can transform into balls. The show is led by the enthusiastic and optimistic BPP's, Bubbles, Sunny, Lulu, Izzy, and Yikes, who aim to assist their friends and neighbors. However, their well-meaning efforts frequently go awry, leading to comedic chaos, which they must then resolve.


Episode 1 Smart House Arrest

1. Smart House Arrest

Aired: Oct 30, 2015

Lulu's innovative creation at the Science Fair inadvertently traps her and he...

Episode 2 Sunny Loses Her Pop

2. Sunny Loses Her Pop

Aired: Oct 30, 2015

The upcoming episode will revolve around Sunny's health crisis, as she strugg...

Episode 4 Palentine's Day

4. Palentine's Day

Aired: Oct 30, 2015

Palentine's Day arrives in Popplopolis, and Yikes and Mike Mine must put asid...

Episode 5 Help-R Hinder

5. Help-R Hinder

Aired: Oct 30, 2015

The stage is set for a thrilling class election, while Bubbles' newfound obse...

Info about Popples

Seasons: 3

Current Status: Ended

Network: Netflix

Production Countries: Belgium, France, United States
