The next episode of this series delves into the complex world of storytelling...
Ruby pursues her dream of becoming an idol, motivated by a desire to honor th...
Aqua's decision to help Kana is rooted in a hidden motivation, rather than a ...
Aqua becomes an overnight sensation after his dramatic performance in the fin...
The next episode follows Aqua, Ruby, and Kana as they navigate the cutthroat ...
As the reality dating show nears its conclusion, Akane struggles to make a la...
Akane's co-stars come together in a bond of friendship and determination, vow...
Aqua's hesitation when asked about his feelings for Akane sparks curiosity, p...
Memcho seizes her second chance, leveraging her connections to boost B Komach...
The group is struggling to perfect their performance, with Kana reluctant to ...
In the next episode, Kana must discover her true identity before she can shin...
The curtain rises on Tokyo Blade, a play with a story of its own, but it's no...
The creator of Tokyo Blade is dissatisfied with the manga's adaptation and in...
As time runs out, a crucial decision must be made: should the Tokyo Blade ada...
The actors of Abiko and GOA are tasked with bringing a new script to life, wi...
Aqua shares his true intentions with Akane, who decides to stand by his side,...
As Melt prepares for his role in Tokyo Blade, he is haunted by his lackluster...
Akane's admiration for Kana led her to pursue an acting career, but she soon ...
Kana's acting career was fueled by her desire to shine, but she had to adapt ...
Aqua and Taiki demand answers from the director after the curtain closes on a...
Taiki uncovers a surprising link, but his revelation catches Aqua off guard. ...
Aqua's quest for vengeance finally comes to an end, allowing him to look towa...
Aqua and Ruby return to Miyazaki, the place where they were born, after over ...
Aqua finds closure with a shocking revelation, paving the way for a fresh sta...
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Main Cast
【Oshi No Ko】 Videos
Trailer 2 [Subtitled]
Trailer 1 [Subtitled]
Promotional Video [Subtitled]