1. Allt kommer bli bra Aired: Dec 26, 2021 Three members of the one family have confronting, joyous and heart-warming ex...
2. Det är så mycket känslor nu Aired: Dec 26, 2021 It's Christine's funeral. Glen, Clara and Aaron have very different emotional...
3. Man ska inte sluta våga Aired: Dec 26, 2021 Glen's holiday is turning in to something unexpectedly enjoyable, Clara goes ...
4. Kan du älska mig nu? Aired: Dec 26, 2021 As life and love starts to flourish for Glen, Clara and Aaron, they're each m...
5. Jag vill se framåt Aired: Dec 26, 2021 After scattering the ashes of their Mum, Clara and Aaron meet their Dad's new...
6. Är du lycklig? Aired: Dec 26, 2021 Glen and Anita prepare for the wedding, while Aaron receives some news that t...