When a local high school student is killed in a small town, a newly arrived g...
Hemlock Grove
In the small Pennsylvania town of Hemlock Grove, secrets are an integral part of daily life, with the darkest evils often concealed in plain view.
In the small Pennsylvania town of Hemlock Grove, secrets are an integral part of daily life, with the darkest evils often concealed in plain view.
When a local high school student is killed in a small town, a newly arrived g...
Just in time for the school dance, Letha reveals she's pregnant - by an angel...
Another body is found. Peter thinks there is something running around in the ...
The murder investigation uncovers human hair in a pile of wolf scat. Roman an...
The shovel left at the grave is traced back to the Godfrey estate. Destiny he...
Peter and Letha start hanging out. Olivia has some medical issues. Peter and ...
Shelley steps out on her own, and body parts are found at the old steel mill....
Roman visits the tower, and gets a little more than he expected. Dr. Chasseur...
9. What Peter Can Live Without
Aired: Apr 19, 2013Letha's parents find out about her relationship with Peter. Shelley and Jenny...
Roman wakes up just in time for the full moon, to help Peter track the vargul...
Peter and his mother hide from vigilantes seeking the killer. Christina disap...
Dr. Chasseur wakes up locked in a cage. The latest victim is revealed. The mi...
Peter and Roman battle the vargulf. Sheriff Sworn, still acting irrationally,...
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Main Cast
Hemlock Grove - Season 2 | Behind the Scenes | Netflix
Hemlock Grove - Season 2 | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix
Red Band Trailer
"The Monster is Within" Transformation