A 13-year-old girl named Nodoka Hanadera recently moved to Sukoyaka, a town deep inside the Earth known as the "Healing Garden," hoping for a fresh start from her city life. Meanwhile, after an attack by antagonistic Byogens, Queen Teatine of the Healing Garden entrusts three healing animals—Rabirin, Pegitan, and Nyatoran—to find humans who can resonate with their paws to partner in rescuing them. Nodoka meets up with Rabirin on Earth during this quest, where she is determined to protect others despite her frail condition. This resonance leads to Nodoka becoming the Pretty Cure foretold in legend, Cure Grace. Joined by Chiyu (Cure Fontaine),Hinata (Cure Sparkle) and Asumi (Cure Earth),they form the Healing Good Pretty Cure team to fight against the threat of the Byogens and protect life on Earth and the Healing Garden.
Healin' Good PreCure
A 13-year-old Nodoka Hanadera recently moved to Sukoyaka (Sukoyaka-shi, Sukoyaka City) with her family, seeking a fresh start after living in the city. In this underground location called...