The second season of Ghost in The Shell: Stand Alone Complex starts with a significant event where Section 9 is recalled due to an urgent situation involving the Ruling Party. This leaves them without backup and forced back on the front lines. In this new chapter, Kusanagi, Batoh, Togusa, Ishikawa, Saito, Paz & Borma, along with four of their original team members, return to active duty following a firefight in Episode 26. The hostage situation revealed the rise of a new terrorist group, which follows up on recent headlines. The Individual Eleven, an entity neither individuals nor totaling eleven in number, poses a new threat to Public Security. How does Section 9, now under the leadership of Prime Minister Kabayuki and the Japanese Residents caught in the midst of economic hardship who are bearing the brunt of job losses during recession times, face off against this enemy? Among these changes from GITS: SAC, a mysterious new "laughing man" supervisor emerges to call out orders for Section 9. This individual, known as Gohda, is described as having no apparent loyalty or respect toward the government, military, or Section 9 itself.
1. SA: Public Security Section 9 - Section-9
Aired: Oct 1, 2002A bizarre incident unfolds at a local restaurant when a hostage situation ari...