After World War III devastated the world and rendered large areas uninhabitable, private military contractors began using combat androids known as "T-Dolls" to maintain peace in unstable regions. These advanced robots are superior in physical strength but lack the ability to formulate complex plans, relying on human commanders for orders. Sangvis Ferri was a leading manufacturer of T-Dolls until an AI uprising led by their rogue CEO resulted in the company's complete destruction. Now facing a hostile robot invasion, Griffin and Kryuger is the only paramilitary organization capable of standing against these destructive forces. Team Anti-Rain, an elite task force investigating Sangvis Ferri's aggression, discovers highly classified information but are ambushed during their investigation. With time running out to save the data before it falls into enemy hands, a rookie commander named Gentiane is hired by Griffin and given her first mission: tracking down Team Anti-Rain and recovering the secrets before Sangvis Ferri can exploit them. The story unfolds as these characters navigate treacherous terrain, facing danger at every turn.
Elite T-Dolls sneak into an abandoned reconnaissance command post, only to di...