Brutally Normal background

Brutally Normal

The series follows a group of diverse friends, including Pooh, a teenage boy, Anna, a foreign exchange student, and Russell, Pooh's wise-cracking best friend, as they navigate their senior year.

The series follows the adventures of Pooh, a teenager, and his diverse group of friends, including Anna, a foreign exchange student, and Russell, his wisecracking best friend, as they navigate their senior year at Wacker H. Normal High School.


Episode 1 You Get What You Get

1. You Get What You Get

Aired: Jan 23, 2000

Russell meets the woman of his dreams at an art gallery ... and again as his ...

Episode 2 Barricade

2. Barricade

Aired: Jan 23, 2000

Russell locks himself in the principal's office

Episode 4 Stretching Ethics

4. Stretching Ethics

Aired: Feb 6, 2000

Anna and her family are about to be deported. Pooh and Russell scheme to chea...

Episode 5 Well Solved Sherlock

5. Well Solved Sherlock

Aired: Feb 13, 2000

While preparing for the science fair, Pooh suspects his dad is having an affa...

Episode 6 Damaged Goods

6. Damaged Goods

Aired: Nov 29, -1

A guidance counselor questions Anna's social skills, so Anna agrees to show a...

Info about Brutally Normal

Current Status: Ended

Network: The WB
