In this Western drama, an elderly Wyatt Earp receives an unexpected visit from a young reporter seeking answers about a special edition Colt revolver. The story unfolds as Earp recounts the events surrounding the accidental shooting of an actress at Dodge City, which leads to a manhunt for the ruthless James "Spike" Kenedy, the powerful son of a wealthy rancher. As Earp and his posse, including a skilled scout and a notorious dentist, close in on Spike, a violent showdown becomes inevitable.
Wyatt Earp's Revenge
A prequel to Wyatt Earp's legendary lawman career, the film follows his early years as a young man driven by vengeance after a loved one's brutal murder. Teaming up with close friends Bat Masterson and Doc Holliday, he embarks on a perilous quest to track down the killer.