In a small Texas town, three high school friends, Chris, Owen, and Samantha, become disillusioned with anti-drug campaigns and decide to experiment with drugs. After Samantha's overdose, her father helps her detox, and she grows closer to Chris, who also starts using drugs. Meanwhile, Owen becomes increasingly involved in the drug scene, despite his friends' warnings. When their friend Brad dies from an overdose, Owen's addiction only worsens, and Chris, struggling with his own addiction, is tempted to try heroin. Tragically, Samantha also falls prey to the drug scene, and the group's friendship begins to fray. As the friends become entangled in a dangerous world of drug dealers and addiction, they must confront the devastating consequences of their actions.
In this coming-of-age drama, three high school friends from a small Texas town, Chris, Owen, and Samantha, feel disconnected and disenchanted with the anti-drug message, leading them to try drugs. However, after Samantha overdoses, her father gets her into detox, and she begins to form a deeper b...