In the follow-up to the cult favorite found footage film, "The House on Mansfield Street," eerie secrets continue to haunt the peaceful community. When James Waring disappears after relocating to Mansfield Street with his buddy Anthony, they are troubled by the sounds of aggressive altercations emanating from the supposedly empty house nearby. Desperate to uncover the truth, they enlist the help of Laura, a friendly neighbor who boasts knowledge in warding off paranormal entities using witchcraft. Little do they know, their plea for aid unleashes a malevolent force that puts their lives in jeopardy.
The House on Mansfield Street II: Evil Next Door
In the follow-up, James Waring vanishes shortly after relocating to live with Anthony, sparking intrigue. Mysterious sounds emanate from the unoccupied residence next door, prompting neighbor Laura to reveal her alleged witchcraft abilities. In her attempt to rid the area of otherworldly entities...