In the quaint village of Sleepy Hollow, a new schoolteacher, Ichabod Crane, arrives from New York City, eager to make a name for himself. Little does he know, the village is plagued by a legendary ghost, the headless horseman, who is said to be searching for his lost head. As Crane begins to court beautiful Katrina Van Tassel, he incurs the wrath of Abraham Van Brunt, her suitor. The schoolteacher's strict and narrow-minded approach to education also earns him the disdain of many villagers, who soon demand his departure.
The Headless Horseman
Ichabod Crane, a schoolteacher from New York City, arrives in the village of Sleepy Hollow, where he's about to encounter a legendary ghost, the headless horseman, who is rumored to be on the hunt for its next victim.