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The Grace Lee Project

"Exploring the phenomenon of multiple individuals sharing the same name, 'Blush' follows the story of a young woman named Grace Lee, who discovers that she is not the only one with her name. As she delves deeper, she uncovers a world of identical namesakes, all with their own uniqu...

In a world where multiple individuals share the same name, a young woman named Grace Lee grapples with her identity and the expectations placed upon her as a dutiful East Asian daughter. But as she delves deeper, she discovers that not all "Grace Lees" fit the traditional mold, challenging her perceptions and leading her on a journey of self-discovery.

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The Grace Lee Project Videos

The GRACE LEE Project Trailer

The GRACE LEE Project Trailer

Info about The Grace Lee Project

Originally Released: United States, Mar 11, 2005

Production Country: United States

Box Office Gross: $5,965.00
