In the vibrant city of Benidorm, Spain, a young man named Dani struggles to find his place in life. Haunted by the loss of his parents and burdened by his responsibilities as a caregiver for his aging grandfather, Dani feels trapped in a life that lacks purpose. His days are filled with work as a waiter at a local bar and spending time with his best friend Pierre, an aspiring actor. One night, Dani meets Sandra, an impersonator of Adele, and her friend Margarita, who performs as Amy Winehouse. Dani is smitten with Sandra and discovers his own singing talent, but a disastrous performance and a disagreement with his grandfather force him to reevaluate his dreams. As he grapples with the past and his own identity, Dani must decide whether to pursue his passion for singing or settle for a life of mediocrity.
The Cover
Torn between his passion for music and fear of failure, a young man named Dani finds solace in a chance encounter with Sandra, leading him to discover the beauty of love and belonging.