In 1965, 12-year-old Andy Nichol, a bright student, navigates the challenges of junior high school, where he's desperate to avoid conflict and ridicule from his peers. When his teacher pairs him with the school's outcast, Stanley, aka "Big G," Andy learns that there's more to this unlikely partner than meets the eye. As the story unfolds, Andy discovers that "Big G" is a kind, tolerant, and decent human being who has more dignity than anyone Andy has ever known.
Info about That's What I Am
Studio(s): WWE Studios
Originally Released: United States, Apr 29, 2011
Production Country: United States
Budget: $5,000,000.00
That's What I Am: Where to Watch Online in Australia?
Currently you are able to watch "That's What I Am" for free with ads on Tubi TV, 7plus.