Tarzan's Revenge background

Tarzan's Revenge

In the jungle, a wealthy family embarks on a hunting trip, accompanied by Eleanor's fiancé, who lacks courage. Meanwhile, a ruthless warlord, Ben Alleu Bey, seeks to add Eleanor to his extensive harem of 100 women. As tensions rise, Tarzan also develops an interest in Eleanor, setting the st...

In Africa, the Reed family and their fiancé are led by a corrupt guide who secretly works for the local ruler. Tarzan rescues the daughter, Eleanor, from a mud pit and later frees captured animals. Despite his heroics, no one believes her story of a white man's rescue. When Eleanor is taken captive by the ruler's tribesmen, Tarzan must save her once more.

Info about Tarzan's Revenge

Studio(s): Sol Lesser Productions

Originally Released: United States, Jan 07, 1938

Production Country: United States

Genres:Adventure, Family