Silver City background

Silver City

The movie tells the story of the 4,000 Polish families who migrated to Australia after World War II, including Jews, Fascists, anti-Communists, and others who were displaced. The adults, including married couples, were initially housed in separate barracks within a large hostel, where they strugg...

After World War II, thousands of Polish families, including Jews, Fascists, and anti-Communists, fled to Australia, seeking a new life. In a large hostel, adults lived separately, working to repay the government's cost of their passage. Amidst this backdrop, a married man named Julian falls in love with Nina, and they must navigate the challenges of immigration, cultural adaptation, and their own moral dilemmas.

Info about Silver City

Studio(s): Limelight Productions (II)

Originally Released: Australia, Sep 27, 1984

Production Country: Australia

Genres:Drama, History, Romance