In the heart of America, a group of friendly and hardworking farmers live in the backwoods. However, when they unintentionally consume a barrel of nuclear waste, they undergo a terrifying transformation, becoming flesh-eating, cannibalistic zombies. Meanwhile, a group of city dwellers on a vacation hike become lost in the woods and are forced to confront a world of terror when they encounter these illiterate and brutal undead. As more and more of the down-home folk fall victim to the toxic brew, the tourists must use all their wit and courage to survive, but soon find themselves surrounded by hordes of redneck zombies, leading to a gruesome bloodbath of dismemberment and cannibalism.
Redneck Zombies
In this horror-comedy, a group of rural residents accidentally stumble upon a radioactive waste barrel, which they incorporate into their moonshine recipe. Unfortunately, the resulting liquor has a gruesome side effect: anyone who consumes it transforms into a mindless, flesh-eating zombie.